Sarah’s 2025 London Marathon

A Sarah Sandberg Campaign
Sarah Sandberg

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Sarah Sandberg

Sarah's 2025 London Marathon

Running and physical activity weren’t always a part of my life. Growing up, I was very focused on music and the arts, spending a majority of my time playing violin or singing in choir and theatre. Only in the last few years have I discovered that physical activity, and specifically running, is also something I enjoy!

Walkabout Foundation is a UK- and US-registered charity with the mission of restoring dignity, freedom and independence by providing wheelchairs and rehabilitation in the developing world and funding research to find a cure for paralysis. I am honored to be fundraising for them, so I can help spread my joy of physical activity and movement. For 2025, I have set myself the challenge of not only running the world famous London Marathon, but also fundraising £5,000 for Walkabout Foundation! £5,000 is the equivalent of 20 life-changing wheelchairs for people in desperate need in the developing world. Please help me in reaching my target, and help Walkabout Foundation in its mission to change the world of mobility disabilities, one person, one wheelchair at a time. Thank you for all of your support!

Latest Donations

Wendy and Caitlin Anklam $50.00
I am running my first half marathon in June. Running is so great for our health and additude
Margaret Zverinova $50.00
Bengi Sunar $50.00
Austin Cox £50.00
Becca Cox $25.00
Holli Abrahams £50.00
Run Sarah Run! Can’t wait to cheer y’all on!
Jocelyn Wysocki $25.00
You go girl!!
Lakshay Pandey £50.00
Running is weird but maybe a good cause makes it better. So run sarah run
Ami Waldenberger $50.00
Go Sarah!
Robby O'Connor $20.00
Crush it Sarah!!!
Adrienne Paton $50.00
Jennifer Potts $5.00
Noel Konken $50.00
Best of luck in April!
Nora Steinhagen £100.00
Shelby McKeever $30.00
James Neville $50.00
Jaclyn Galloro £30.00
Yuli Kainer $100.00
Anonymous $500.00
A donation from Arnold Moe
Anonymous $50.00

Raised £1,123.51 $1,471.80

switch currency
£ 5,000.00
$ 6,550.00
That's 4 life-changing wheelchair(s)!
119 Days Left