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Celebrate Luis’ Birthday With Walkabout

September is a very special month for all of us at Walkabout – it marks Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month and our co-founder Luis’ birthday! He is the very first #WalkaboutHero and a huge inspiration to us all.

Luis was Spinal Cord Injured at the age 18. He was a high-school graduate, with his whole life ahead of him… but he didn’t let his injury stop him from making a positive impact in the world. Since launching Walkabout in 2009, Luis and his sister Carolina have changed the lives of over 60,700 people around the world!

As many of you know, the Dominican Republic is a very special place for the Gonzalez-Bunster family, a second home. Children with mobility disabilities in the Dominican Republic are in huge need as the country lacks supply of specialized pediatric wheelchairs. This October, the Walkabout Team aims to return to the Dominican to provide 200 life-changing wheelchairs to children in need.

In honor of Luis and his mission to improve the lives of people with mobility disabilities around the world, we are asking you to celebrate his birthday with us by making a donation!

100% of your donation will go towards giving the gift of mobility to children in need in the Dominican Republic.


Camilla’s Royal Parks Half Marathon 2022

Dear family and friends,

Thank you for making it to this page and for sponsoring me for my first-ever half marathon.

The event is just 5 short weeks away… and so far I have run a maximum of 6km. To say, it’s a challenge for me is an understatement – as many of you know I do not run AT ALL and up until recently was a very heavy smoker too. Combine the two, and it’s safe to say you do not have a recipe for marathon success…!

However, in honour of those who cannot run, and to support a charity that is incredibly dear to my heart, I am working hard to change my ways and complete the half on the 9th October!

Having worked at Walkabout Foundation for 4+ years, I can promise that 100 percent of what I raise will go 100 percent to supporting two people in need of wheelchairs in Uganda. Having visited Walkabout’s projects myself, and personally met disabled South Sudanese refugees who have fled the conflict to the safety of Uganda – I can’t overstate just how much a wheelchair can help improve their quality of life. It can help a child go to school, a parent to go to the market or a mother to simply feel beautiful again and have her dignity back. By supporting me today, you aren’t only giving back the gift of mobility to two people but you are also standing for a basic human right.

Absolutely every penny raised counts!! Thank you so much for the support. I promise to send you a sweaty selfie after the event and to personally update you on the two lives you’ve helped to change too.

Thank you! 


Cheng’s London Marathon 2022


Dear friends & family,

This year, I have set myself the challenge of running the 2022 London Marathon in honour of Walkabout Foundation, aiming to fundraise £3,000 for their global wheelchair projects! £3,000 is the equivalent of 12 life-changing wheelchairs for people in desperate need in the developing world.

I invite you to support me in reaching my target, and support Walkabout Foundation in its mission to change the world of mobility disabilities, one person, one wheelchair at a time.

Every donation makes a difference. Thank you for all your support!

Katie’s Berlin Marathon 2022

Dear Friends and Family,

For 2022, I have set myself the challenge of not only running the world famous Berlin Marathon, but also fundraising £1,000 /$1,300 for Walkabout Foundation and I’m asking for your support!

£1,000 is the equivalent of 4 life-changing wheelchairs for people in desperate need in the developing world. Please help me reach my target this year, and help Walkabout Foundation in its mission to change the world of mobility disabilities – one person, one wheelchair at a time.

Thank you so much for all of your support!

Alex’s Royal Parks Half Marathon 2022

Dear friends and family,

In 2022, I will be running the Royal Parks Half Marathon in honour of Walkabout Foundation to help bring mobility to people in need in the developing world.

I invite you to support me in reaching my goal, and support Walkabout’s mission to provide dignity, freedom and independence to people with mobility disabilities around the world!

100% of every donation will go towards providing someone in need with a life-changing wheelchair. Let’s change lives together!

Matteo’s Donation Page

Please join us in welcoming the arrival of baby Matteo!

Your presence would be the best gift we could ask for on this joyous day. However, should you also wish to make a monetary contribution to a worthy cause in Matteo’s honour, please click the button ‘donate’ on this page today!


Support Our Emergency Container for Ukraine

In February 2022, Vladimir Putin launched a military invasion of Ukraine. A devastating humanitarian crisis, fuelled by years of political instability, continues to unfold in the country.

There are 2.7 million people with disabilities currently residing in Ukraine. These 2.7 million individuals form part of the most vulnerable and marginalised. They don’t have the necessary support, resources, or care to help them escape the conflict, let alone recover from their injuries. Meanwhile, women and girls with disabilities face an even higher risk of gender-based violence and their lives are in constant danger.

Last month, we promised you we would find a way to help. And we’ve done just that! After many calls, emails, and countless conversations with experts in the field, we have identified how to help. Together with our long-standing partner, Momentum 4 Humanity, we will send a container of wheelchairs to a distribution centre in Lviv and distribute them to those most in need.

As we continue to #Pray4Ukraine, we ask for your support in providing these wheelchairs to those who have lost everything and need to flee the country. One wheelchair costs us £250, including the order, shipping and distribution. Please, help us help Ukraine today and donate to our emergency container. Click the donate button to help us change lives in Ukraine. 

Pavlos’ Christening in support of Walkabout!

Dear friends & family,

We are so excited to welcome you in Milan in a couple weeks’ time to celebrate our little Pavlos!
Your presence at the christening is a gift in itself, however if you wish to buy a present for Pavlos, we invite you to change someone else’s life instead.
Walkabout Foundation in on a mission to provide wheelchairs to those who can’t afford them, thereby restoring their dignity, freedom and independence while also funding research to find a cure for paralysis.
We hope you join us in supporting this great cause and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We can’t wait to see you all soon!
Lots of love,
Dimitris, Evi, Christos and Pavlos

Muhammad’s Berlin Marathon 2022

Dear Friends and Family,

For 2022, I have set myself the challenge of not only running the world famous Berlin Marathon, but also fundraising £1,000 ($1,300) for Walkabout Foundation and I’m asking for your support!

£1,000 ($1,300) is the equivalent of 4 life-changing wheelchairs for people in desperate need in the developing world. Please help me reach my target, and help Walkabout Foundation in its mission to change the world of mobility disabilities – one person, one wheelchair at a time.

Thank you for all of your support!

Domenico’s London Marathon 2022

Dear friends and family,

In 2022, I will be completing the London Marathon in honour of Walkabout Foundation! My goal is to raise $4,000 (£3,000) – the equivalent of 12 life-changing wheelchairs for people in need in the developing world.

I invite you to support me in reaching my target, and support Walkabout’s mission to change the world of mobility disabilities – one person, one wheelchair at a time. Every dollar, euro or pound you give will go towards providing someone in need with the gift of mobility.

Thank you and best wishes,


Julie’s Berlin Marathon 2022

Dear friends and family,

This year, I have set myself the target of running the Berlin Marathon in honour of Walkabout Foundation and raising £1,000 – the equivalent of 4 life-changing wheelchairs for people in desperate need in the developing world.

Please help me reach my target this year, and help Walkabout Foundation in its mission to change the world of mobility disabilities, one person, one wheelchair at a time.

Thank you for all your support!


Delfina and Andrea’s Birthday Campaign

Dear Friends & Family,

As you may know, this March is a big month for our family! Not only do we celebrate a lot of birthdays, but at the end of the month, we will also be relocating to Italy after a lifetime in London.

On March 6th and March 19th, Delfina and Andrea will be celebrating their birthdays and saying good-bye to their London friends with their own respective get togethers. Well, it’s not really good-bye but “thank you” for being such a special part of their little lives.

And so, we ask that you come celebrate with us, and in lieu of any birthday gifts, consider making a donation to Walkabout instead. Your presence is truly our gift, but seeing as we have packed up our house and all our belongings, a contribution to help a child in need receive a much-needed wheelchair would mean everything to us.

With love,

Carolina, Delfina & Andrea