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Active Events

The Davies Khan’s London Walkabout 2014

We are so thrilled to be taking part in this year’s London Walkabout! Please support us as we walk 5k on September 27th in Hyde Park!

Alice Post’s 2014 Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100

I’m so excited to be taking part again in the amazing RideLondon 100 cycling race with the Walkabout Team. Please support their amazing cause and my 100 mile race.

Brandon Muto’s 2014 Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100

I’m so excited to be taking part again in the amazing RideLondon 100 cycling race with the Walkabout Team. Please support their amazing cause and my 100 mile race.

Sam Maddox’s School Wheelchair Challenge

Georgie and Oli Chambers’s Ride London 2014

Prudential London to Surrey Bike Ride 2014

Suleyman Moollan’s Build a Wheelchair Page

Suleyman’s Birthday

Miss Daisy’s Nursery’s Build a Wheelchair Page

Dear Parents, Family and Friends,

We are so excited for the walkabout in Battersea Park on 9th May 2014. We will be walking for those who can’t and raising funds to buy wheelchairs for children less fortunate than us.

Please help us support this amazing cause by buying a whole wheelchair or parts of a chair today!

2nd grade game changers’s Build a Wheelchair Page

2nd grade wheelchair project

Carolina Nasr’s Build a Wheelchair Page

My birthday page

Molly’s Build a Wheelchair Page

Let’s Get Busy!

Annika Heath’s Build a Wheelchair Page

laura basirov’s Build a Wheelchair Page

i would like to make a diiference in someone’s life. this is the syart of a long journey.