Laura Porcella Mayol’s Berlin Marathon 2018
On September 16th, 2018, in just 3 days, I will run the Berlin Marathon with the sole purpose of raising US$50,000 dollars in order to bring a 2nd shipment of wheelchairs to so many in need in the Dominican Republic. In 2012, with your help and generosity, I was able to surpass my target raising close to US$60,000 when I ran the New York City Marathon.
During the distribution in 2013, we where able to impact the lives of 250 people in different corners of the country who where given back their mobility, who obtained an opportunity to reintegrate themselves into their communities, who probably restored their independence and who perhaps received the biggest gift of all, HOPE.
But unfortunately, I also realized that 250 wheelchairs was not enough and this is why I’m committed to replicate this endeavor with your support. For every US$300 donated, I can purchase one wheelchair. Every contribution, as small as it might seem, gets us closer to reaching our goal.
As many of you know, this foundation is very close to my heart and I am very pleased to be a part of the 2018 Walkabout Heroes and make a lasting difference. Please help me help others, one person, one wheelchair at a time.
Thank you in advance for your kindness and for joining me in this journey.
Forever grateful,